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Welcome to the UCan Play Shop. If you registered with a partner please use the menu to enter their curated store!

African Shaker Selection in a Basket


A collection of 10 African shakers presented in a basket. NOW INCLUDES AFRICAN MUSIC CD!

Caxixi (ka-shee-shee) a hand woven reed basket rattle 20cm. Double caxixi two baskets joined together – double the sound 15cm. Fojo Shaker, a wooden shaped spoon with a decorated gourd 16cm. Cabassa a large gourd encased in a colourful net of beads 14 x 30cm. 2 Co-co shakers, dried calabash filled with seeds and decorated with Adinkra symbols 10cm dia. Sistrum rattle, a small tree branch, recycled bottle tops and colourful material a modern twist on an ancient shaker from east Africa 30cm. Cas-cas from Senegal two mini gourds joined by a cord of twisted material 5cm. 2 Kente maraccas dried Televi nuts threaded on a stick which is wrapped in local kente design cloth 28cm.

Due to the nature of these products colours and sizes may vary.

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