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Roland RDH-100A Kick Drum Pedal

We say :

Roland's new RD-100A kick drum pedal is an excellent choice for anyone wanting a solid, well engineered bass drum pedal for their V-Drums kit. For those practising in close proximity to other family members or neighbours, the pedal includes Roland's 'noise-eating' technology which reduces the noise and vibration associated with traditional bass drum pedals. 

Roland say : 

The RDH-100A helps V-Drums users keep acoustic noise and vibration in check without sacrificing playability. This professional pedal delivers top-level performance and feel with a dual-chain drive, smooth bearing hinge, and self-aligning beater. And with onboard noise-reduction features derived from Roland’s acclaimed Noise Eater technology, the RDH-100A reduces in-room playing noise and minimizes vibration transfer that can bother housemates and neighbors in adjoining rooms and floors below.

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