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Rat Stands Performer 3 Stand Trolley (for 18 stands)


UCan Play is proud to represent Rat Stands, a premium brand of music and instrument stands, along with other accessories. We have presented a range of items here in our shop, but if you want something that isn't listed do get in touch. We'll provide you with a preferential price.

The Performer 3 Stand Trolley can hold up to 18 music stands, nested in a compact line, to make set ups and take downs simple. The Performer 3 Stand Trolley has 2 fixed and 2 swivel castors, for maximum manoeuvrability. These are also lockable for stability. The trolley is coated in a tough scratch resistant epoxy, to prevent cosmetic damage. It is sturdy, robust, and easy to use. It has a lightweight structure making it easy to transport, and ideal for a fast and effective performance or rehearsal set up.

Key Features:

  • Make set ups and take downs simple as you can transport eighteen stands at a time
  • Manoeuvre with ease thanks to the fixed and swivel castors
  • Prevent cosmetic damage attributable to the scratch resistant epoxy
  • Fast and effective set up due to the trolly’s lightweight structure

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